The membership of INSQT is not fixed, organisations can join or leave the INSQT throughout the programme. Currently, the member list is:
Member Map
- [Birm] University of Birmingham (UK), Kai Bongs, Yeshpal Singh
- [CQT] Centre for Quantum Technologies, NUS (Singapore), Alexander Ling
- [TUM] Technical University of Munich (Germany), Tobias Vogl
- [HU] Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany), Markus Krutzik, Mustafa Gundogan
- [IESL] Institute of Electronic Structure and Lasers (Greece), Wolf von Klitzing
- [IOA] Institut d’Optique d’Aquitaine, Bordeaux (France), Philippe Bouyer
- [IoPZ] Institute of Physics, Zagreb (Croatia), Ticijana Ban
- [IPAS] University of Adelaide (AUS), Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing, Andre Luiten
- [IQC] Institute of Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo (Canada), Thomas Jennewein
- [LMU] Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany), Harald Weinfurter
- [LUH] Leibniz Universität Hannover (Germany), Ernst Rasel
- [OXF] University of Oxford (UK), Artur Ekert
- [QUB] Queens University Belfast (UK), Mauro Paternostro and Matteo Carlesso
- [Swansea] Swansea University (UK), James Bateman
- [TII] Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi (UAE), James Grieve
- [TUG] Graz University of Technology (Austria), Roland Lammegger
- [UL] University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Rainer Kaltenbaek
- [UoA] University of Alberta (Canada), Lindsay LeBlanc
- [UoB] University of Bristol (UK), John Rarity, Siddarth Joshi
- [UoC] University of Calgary (Canada), Christoph Simon
- [UoL] University of Leeds (UK), Mohsen Razavi
- [UoP] University of Padova (Italy), Paolo Villoresi, Giuseppe Vallone
- [UoS] University of Strathclyde (UK), Daniel Oi, Paul Griffin
- [UoSH] University of Southampton (UK), Hendrik Ulbricht, Corin Gawith
- [UoV] University of Vigo (Spain), Marcos Curty
- [UoY] University of York (UK), Rupesh Kumar, Marco Lucamarini;
- [UWA] University of Western Australia (Australia), David Gozzard, Jingbo Wang, Michael Tobar, Sascha Schediwy
- [WI] Walton Institute, Waterford (Eire), Deidre Kilbane, Jerry Horgan
- [HWU] Heriot-Watt University (UK), Ross Donaldson, Alessandro Fedrizzi, Gerald Buller
- [PRL] Physical Research Laboratory (India), Ravindra Pratap Singh, Shashi Prabhakar, Goutam Kumar Samanta
- [UoW]University of Warwick (UK), Animesh Datta
- [DWC] The Dodd Walls Centre (New Zealand), Jevon Longdell, David Hutchinson
- [LCAR] Laboratoire Collisions Agrégats Réactivité at Université Paul Sabatier (France), Bruno Peaudecerf, Alexandre Gauguet
- [CSUG] Grenoble University Space Center (France), Erik Kerstel, Jean-Louis Monin
- [IPSAS] Institute of Physics Slovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia), Djeylan Aktas, Mario Ziman
- [UoG] University of Glasgow (UK), Adtunmise Dada
- [IPIT] Institute for Physical and Information Technologies (Spain), Veronica Fernandez
- [ULSIT] University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria), Boyan Jekov, Mariana Filipova
- [LIP6 CNRS] LIP6 CNRS Sorbonne University (France), Eleni Diamanti, Matteo Schiavon, Frédéric Grosshans, Paolo Fittipaldi
- [QCAT] Quantum Technologies Research Group, University of Warsaw (Poland), Dr hab. Magdalena Stobinska, Katarzyna Dujka
- [LUHFQ] Leibniz Universität HannoverInstitut für Quantenoptik (Germany), Dennis Schlippert
- [TUW] TU Wien (Austria), Michael Hofbauer
- [ZARM] ZARM, University of Bremen (Germany), Dennis Rätzel
- [TIFR] Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai (India), Sushil Mujumdar
- [ICFO] The Institute of Photonic Sciences (Spain), Antariksha Das
- [ISI] Indian Statistical Institute (India), Goutam Paul
- [JIIT] Jaypee Institute of Information Technology (India), Prof. Anirban Pathak and Dr. Sandeep Mishra
- [PQM-lab] The Precision & Quantum Measurement Laboratory (India), Subhadeep De
Public Sector
- [RAL] RAL Space (UK), Tristan Valenzuela
- [NPL] National Physical Laboratory (UK), Patrick Gill
- [SAC] Satellite Applications Catapult (UK), Partner
- [SYRTE] Systèmes de Référence Temps-Espace (France), Franck Pereira Dos Santos
- [DLR] German Aerospace Centre (Germany), Waldemarr Herr, Christian Schubert
- [ASI] Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (Italy), Daniele Dequal
- [JPL] JPL NASA (USA), Makan Mohageg, Nan Yu
- [PGI-12] Institute for Quantum Computing Analytics (Germany), David Edward Bruschi, Frank Wilhelm-Mauch
- [Fh-CAP] Fraunhofer Centre for Applied Photonics (UK), Partner
- [TNO] TNO (NL), Luca Mazzarella
- [AAL] Archangel Lightworks (UK), Owain Pryce-Jones
- [CPL] Craft Prospect Ltd (UK), Steve Greenland
- [MiX] Muquans iXblue (France), Bruno Desruelle, Emmanuelle Peter
- [QuantX] QuantX Labs (AUS), Andre Luiten
- [SpeQtral] SpeQtral Pte Ltd (Singapore), Rob Bedington
- [ZPM] Zero Point Motion Ltd (UK), Ying Lia Li
- [AT] Aquark Technologies (UK), Andrei Dragomir
- [COV] Covesion (UK), Stuart Coomber
- [Qbtm] Qubitrium (Turkey), Kadir Durak
- [QTLGmbH] Quantum Technology Laboratories GmbH (Austria), Martin Bohmann
- [AL] Aegiq Ltd. (UK), Maksym Sich, Scott Dufferwiel, Thomas Lyons
- [WLQ] Welinq (France), Isabelle Riou
- [QcNs, INC] Quantum Communication Network Security (USA), Kareem Bishop, Araceli Venegas-Gomez
- [lQsrl] levelQuantum s.r.l. (Italy), Magdalena Stobinska, Adam Buraczewski
- [Te2v] Teledyne e2v (UK), Partner
- [A-UK] Airbus (UK), Partner
- [AL] Arqit Ltd (UK), Alex Koehler-Sidki, Carlo Page
- [TAS] Thales Alenia Space (France), Laurent de Forges de Parny
- [SQBV] Single Quantum B.V. (Netherlands), Benedetta Valerio
- [QQ] QinetiQ (UK), Jamie Vovrosh, Gillian Marshall
- [JOGmbH] Jena-Optronik GmbH (Germany), Martin Wolz, Bert Wolf
- [BA] Boeing (US), Jay Lowell, Makan Mohageg, Bogdan Neculaes
Some members are official network partners: A-UK, Te2v, Fh-CAP, SAC, and play an integral role in connecting academic and SME participants with the wider space industry and stakeholders alongside providing industrial engineering experience. In addition, we will consult ESA and QT Hubs in Quantum Communications and Quantum Sensing in an advisory capacity.