From Koç University (Istanbul, Turkey), visiting Dr. Mustafa Gündoğan at the Institüt für Physik, Humboldt-Universität
I participated in the Extended Research Visits program of INSQT to visit Dr. Markus Krutzik’s group at the Institute of Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, between 06.08.2022-20.08.2022.
The primary motivation for my visit was to develop new research directions by exploring the challenges of translating emerging quantum thermal technologies from their terrestrial environments to space.
I was fortunate to interact with Dr. Mustafa Gündoğan at the Joint Lab Integrated Quantum Sensors from Dr. Krutzik’s group for that aim. My expertise is in quantum optics, condensed matter, and ultracold atomic physics. I was also a Turkish representative of the management committees of two EU Cost Actions, Quantum Technologies for Space and Atomic Quantum Technologies. While I had some prior knowledge of the mutual significance of quantum and space technologies, my two weeks of direct interaction with the experts in Dr. Krutzik’s group have illuminated and expanded my horizons to much higher levels.
In addition, I interacted with other researchers and students at the Joint Lab Integrated Quantum Sensors and the Department of Physics on related topics, enjoyed many inspiring and fruitful discussions and exchanges on the advantages of microgravity on atomic condensate measurements, effects of gravity on quantum entanglement, and slow light benefits for interferometric measurements.
Together with Dr. Gündoğan, we plan to write a joint project proposal to be submitted to the Turkish National Science and Technology Foundation (TÜBİTAK) to pursue our goal of translating quantum technologies to space. This joint project will also include training and networking components by organizing lectures and a workshop on space quantum technologies, with the help of INSQT members Dr. Gündoğan and Dr. Krutzik, to expose students and researchers to these modern directions.